Operation Fred-Chapter Five

I Don’t Want to Play With My Toys – But You Can’t Play With Them Either!

July 4 was an important day, not just because Fred had agreed to eat with me sitting outside on the porch with him, but because Jeff and I had decided something important as well. While we sat on the beach later that day, reveling in my time with Fred and enjoying our first ever day on a Texas beach, we agreed that we were going to trap him, get him neutered, and hopefully keep him, if he was willing.

Penelope had agreed to none of these things, but we took her silence to be an optimistic sign.

The next day, then, I also decided to introduce Fred to the world.

My Facebook post simply said, “Meet Fred,” but the video told more of the story.

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The next day I upped the ante. In addition to the wet food, the dry food, the water and the treats, I introduced two new things. Catnip and a giant blue fuzzy pillow. Penelope’s pillow, to be exact. Her once favorite pillow that she hadn’t touched for 3 years…

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I don’t know about you, but once I set my mind on something, I want to make it happen right then. It was no different with Fred. After the success of two days eating with him, I was ready to get things moving along. But we had a little challenge ahead of us. More than one, really, but one that impacted timing. In less than a month, we were going to be gone for a week. I had a timer on my actions now, and I wanted to get things all neatly done, Fred captured, fixed, and sitting with me on the couch before we had to leave.

But things rarely turn out that way.

Over the next few breakfasts together, I began to move Fred’s bowls closer to me, both for his first small bowl each morning, and with every subsequent additional helping. On July 7th, just 3 days after our first breakfast outside together, I had the food bowl right up against my leg and he was clearly getting more and more comfortable with this concept of having “regular meals.” He was also getting way more comfortable with me. He still found me a little scary, but not as much as before. He was beginning to associate me with more good things than scary things.

The fuzzy blue pillow, along with a small daily dose of catnip that we brought from our garden back in Philly, became more staples to expect each morning. He loved eating the catnip and thoroughly delighted in rolling around in it when it was sprinkled in the pillow.

Fred was still a young cat, still with enough kitten in him that, once freed from a constant need for self-preservation, could actually play a little bit when given the opportunity. It was so fun to watch him relax and be a “kid”, and just as fun to watch Penelope through the door, clearly annoyed that he was enjoying “her” blue fuzzy pillow.

I left the feline travel case outside each night too, with a few small treats in there. I wanted to get him comfortable with it, thinking it might be possible to just lure him in there and zip it up. I mean, why couldn’t it just be as easy as that?

The treats were always gone in the morning, which gave me a sense of peace that he might be staying closer to us more consistently. I knew then that we were building bonds, but there was a long way to go as well.

Around this time, I also began to recognize the lessons I was learning about trying to guide and lead this relationship. It’s when the idea of this book first came to be. I made small, subtle changes every time he came to visit, trying to see what would work. I wanted to get him to continue to build trust in our relationship.

I tried to get him to take treats from my hand, which he clearly wanted to so badly, but he was driven by a core instinct to protect himself. It was joyful and frustrating all at the same time. Despite all the evidence against it, I still wanted to believe that one day soon he would simply roll over, let me pet him, and walk right into the house to become a part of the family.

I also began to realize that I was living out a quote that I made up myself, long ago. No one’s sense of urgency ever matches my own. When I came up with that statement, it was all about work. Sometimes people want something from you right now, but it really isn’t important to you and your job, so your commitment to meeting their needs isn’t very strong. On the flip side, sometimes you need something from someone else on the team right now, and they simply don’t care, or at least care enough to drop what they are doing to deliver upon your need.

Just because you want something really badly, doesn’t mean it will happen. In work. In life. In a relationship with a feral cat.


Momma’s POV–Chapter Five

I wonder about all the time I am devoting to this cat every morning. He’s the first thing I think about when I wake up, and I can’t wait to go downstairs to see if he

Momma’s POV - Chapter Five

I wonder about all the time I am devoting to this cat every morning. He’s the first thing I think about when I wake up, and I can’t wait to go downstairs to see if he is there. It’s become such a ritual to get all my stuff ready and then head out to be with him, but some of these choices of mine are kind of crazy, to say the least.

First, I keep forgetting to put on bug spray, and muggy July mornings in Houston are a haven for mosquitos who find me quite delicious. I always remember once the first bite occurs, but I am unwilling to move and go back into the house. I feel that action would break the spell we’ve been under.

Second, I am spending hours out here every morning. Seriously. Fred is willing to stay longer and longer each morning, and I stay as well. I love being here with him, but my work is beginning to suffer. Plus, this has so many emotional levels to it that I think I am exhausting myself as well!

But…I’d do it all over again for the opportunity to be here with him.

Let's see Fred

Fred’s POV – Chapter Five

I think this is pretty nice right now. I’m even getting used to the woman. She seems nice. I don’t think she wants to hurt me anymore...

Fred’s POV – Chapter Five

I think this is pretty nice right now. I’m even getting used to the woman. She seems nice. I don’t think she wants to hurt me anymore, but I could be wrong about that, so I’ll keep my guard up too.

She brought me something new today! It looks like dried grasses that I eat sometimes, especially when my tummy hurts, but it smells so delicious! And it IS delicious! It smells so good that I like to roll around in it and let it get into my fur.

Then, she brought me a soft fuzzy thing that feels so nice! When I lay in it, I think about how hard the ground under the house is, and

What's your POV?